Friday, July 11, 2014

The First Grand National Race That I Remember

That I remember in any kind of detail, that is.  I was about 8 years old when this race took place.  I knew people who went to the race, and I was envious.  I remember that some radio station (WESC?) broadcast the race, and if I'm not mistaken, Ken Squier and the Motor Racing Network.  The highlights were shown on ABC's Wide World of Sports.

I don't remember specifically when I became aware of Barney Hall.  It was during that period in the early 1970's that I listened to, and watched whatever highlights I could find on Wide World of Sports and the local news.  I read everything there was having to do with racing in the Greenville News.  I loved everything there was about stock car racing.

I had watched coverage of some of the other types of racing as well.  The Indy 500.  Lemans.  Sebring.  I like them all, but there was something special about stock car racing.  It was local!  This was all happening right here in the town in which I grew up.  People like David Pearson and James Hylton lived just 20 miles from where I did.  Even the great Richard Petty lived just a couple hours up the road.

The race below, I was happy to see, is the full race. It even has commercials, and very few of them by today's standards. The great Jim McKay called it, and I'm sure Ken and Barney were probably there as well, though I don't remember specifically.

Over the years, my love of stock car racing has only grown.  Barney Hall eventually became a voice I knew very, very well.  He had the accent, the voice, the personality that could have belonged to a cousin, a neighbor.  He sounded like us!  Since Barney Hall came from Elkin, North Carolina, that's not big surprise.  He was practically a neighbor!

To me, Barney Hall was a given.  He was always there.  Week in and week out, if I couldn't see the race on TV, I knew I could always hear Barney Hall and MRN, unless it was one of those tracks where PRN did the broadcasts.

A year or so ago, I became aware that Barney had some health issues, and was not on the broadcasts for quite a while.  I was concerned.  It was like hearing that a favorite uncle was ill.  Not the the other guys, such as Joe Moore, Winston Kelley, Alex Striegle, and all the rest don't do a great job, because the do.  For me, Barney Hall is the connection between past and present.  Now that Barney won't be the regular play by play announcer, and era has ended. For that, I am sad, but grateful that the broadcasts will continue with the rest of the crew, who have proven that they can perform up to Barney's standards.

In my usual disjointed way, I will now digress back to the title topic of this piece, which is the 1971 Greenville 200, which took place at Greenville-Pickens Speedway in Pickens County, SC on April 10th, 1971.  GPS had just been paved for the first time the year before, so this was almost like a brand new track for the drivers that day.

Back in the old days, Cup teams used to regularly test at Greenville-Pickens before heading off for the Cup races at Martinsville Speedway.  The corners are flat, and it proved to be a good track to set up for Martinsville.  I have been to many races at this track, which is still in use today.  I wish I had seen a Grand National race there, but I didn't and those days are gone forever.

Here's to the past.  Here's to the present.  Here's to the future.

Here's to Barney Hall.  Thank you Barney.  May you find joy in all you future endeavors.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

I'm Sorry, Folks

I have been out of the loop quite a bit over the last couple of years as far as this site goes.  I've been working a lot, and I just don't have the time to do this much, at least not for now.

I wish I could, because I really would like to make much, much more of this site, but that's just not possible with my work schedule right now.

I am going to suspend operations on this site until I have more time to spend on it.  I hope someday I can make a real go of it.  The daily demands of time just make this impossible for me to carry on.

I'm keeping the site, but don't expect much from me in the next few months, because there won't be much, if anything.

I remain a dedicated fan of NASCAR, and all things NASCAR, but I just don't have the time to keep up with all I need to do to keep this site current.

Happy racing.  I'll talk to you when I have more time to spend on my passion, which is stock car auto racing.


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Let's go Michigan!

For a change, I'm at home to watch a race.  The last time NASCAR ran at Brooklyn, Michigan was in June, and that was the first win for Dale Earnhardt Jr. for a long time.

Can Dale Jr. do it again?  The odds are against him, since wrecking his primary car during Happy Hour puts him at the back of the field.  Can he do it?  Of course he can.

I'm looking forward to watching a race live today, instead of getting my information second hand.

I hope everyone has a great day and I hope we have a safe, competitive, and fun race.

Friday, July 20, 2012

With apologies to all of you.

The time I've had to spend on this site has been limited over the last several months, and even the last year and a half or so for a variety of reasons.  I apologize for not posting more, but I will try to post more during the second half of the NASCAR season.

In some ways, I like the racing more this year than in some of the last few years.  To me, the competition is good, and many, if not most of the races are close, right up to the last lap.

I know many fair weather racing fans have lost interest in the sport over the last few years, for a variety of reasons.  I have not lost my interest.  I watch as many of the races as I can, and read at least a little bit of racing news every day.  I have hopes of traveling to either Atlanta or Charlotte later this year and attend a race for the first time in a while.  I feel like it's important to recharge the batteries once in a while and actually be at the track.  I'm going to make a real effort to do so in the coming months.

How about that Dale Jr.?  He finally got the monkey off his back with a win, which I celebrated along with some of my fellow Junior fans.  It's great to see the consistency keeping him up front all season.  A couple more wins and he might be the man to beat in the Chase.

Overall, I've enjoyed this racing season.  Probably, I've enjoyed it more than last year or the year before.  Jr.'s win notwithstanding, I feel like the racing is better this year, for some reason.  I can't really put my finger on the exact reason why.

Congratulations to Delana and Kevin Harvick and Krissie and Ryan Newman for recent additions to their families.  I wish all the mothers and fathers and children my very best wishes.

You can find me on Twitter and Facebook when I'm not here.  Give me a shout sometime and let me know what you're doing and what you think about the current state of stock car racing.  I'd love to hear from you!

Much, much more to come soon.

In the immortal words of Joe Cartoon, "Stay tuned, I'm going to do it again!"

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Apologies to Dale Earnhardt Jr.

I've been somewhat tough on Dale Jr. over the last few years.  He's one of my favorite drivers.  He has been since he's been racing.  Like millions of other Dale Earnhardt Jr. fans, I've been bewildered by his lack of points wins over the last few years.

In past lives, I've been a bit of a hellraiser, but tried not to be a lawbreaker.  I understand the desire to celebrate life's small victories.  Since 2001, Dale Jr. has curtailed that habit quite a bit.  So have I.  I'm a lot older than Dale Earnhardt Jr. so I should have learned that lesson a little earlier, but being me, it took a while.

For too long, the expectation has been there that Dale the younger would become Dale the older.  That's simply an unreasonable expectation, and I've come to realize that.  My dad is my hero, much like Dale was Dale Jr.'s hero.  My dad fought in a war in Europe in the 1940's.  Since I was born in the 1960's, I'll obviously never be able to duplicate that.

The death of a parent is a sobering moment.  It was for Dale Earnhardt Jr.  It was for me.  I lost my mom, who was the one person who I think ever totally understood me.  She died on November 15, 2010.  I was involved earlier with a marriage that practically no one knows about.  My best friend and soul mate, next to my my mom, Laura, had died earlier that year.  I'm keeping the exact date private, for reasons that are known only to Laura and me.

Mom and Laura defined my existence for a couple or more years, especially toward the end.  I saw Laura dying, and there was nothing I could do about it.  I loved her, took care of her, and tried my best to make her comfortable until she finally passed away.  I did the same with my mother.  Many more people were involved with both, and if you're reading these words, you know who you are.  Laura died of lieukemia.  My mom died of complications from Altzheimers.  I was in a funk for a while.  I tried to get out of it, but couldn't seem to.

A former boss and a friend from a company that I used to work for called me and offered me a job, which was good, since I'd been mostly out of work for the past year.  Working made me feel good, and I'm still working there now.  Today, I'm a reasonably happy guy, looking forward to new opportunities as they come along.  I'm not totally healed from the year 2010, and I probably never will be, but I'm working on it.  I have sad days, just remembering people who are gone now, but I'm alive, strangely enough, and I'm looking forward to being part of something again.  When I went back to work, I had exactly $7.00.  That was it.  Thanks to Tim, Brian, Judy and all the others that made this happen.  You were all a Godsend to me, though I probably didn't realize it at the time.

Dale Jr. had a landlord, a boss, a person mapping out his career, and a father when Dale Earnhardt died on February 18, 2001.  Dale Jr. lost the most important person in his life.  Dale was Dale Jr.'s hero.  Dale Jr. was expected to fill his father's shoes

Think about it.  Who could fill Dale Earnhardt's shoes?  Kevin Harvick, who took over as driver for the team at Rockingham, never minced words about it.  He's in the car, but he is not the answer to replace Dale Earnhart, who once drove the very same car Kevin was driving.  Richard Childress, the owner of the team, wisely painted the car white and chose a different number.  The 29 seems to have worked out pretty well so far.

Dale Jr. is his own man.  He's got sucessful business ventures going on.  Dale Jr. is a sucessful business man.  He's a good driver.  He takes care of his family.  In other words, he's a good guy.  To me, Dale Jr. is a good guy, leading by example.  He took care of all the family he could.  I'm trying to do the same. 

I don't care if Dale Jr. ever wins another race.  I've now walked a mile or two in his shoes, though without the media scrutiny that's had to endure.  I couldn't imagine putting up with all that Dale Jr. has had to over the last 11 years.  I would have faded out and become a recluse.  Dale Jr. has soldiered on. 

Give him the respect that he deserves.  He's earned it. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Ready, Ready, Green Green Green! Go Go Go!

The Budweiser Shootout is almost upon us! I’m all atwitter, trying to figure out my wardrobe. I just don’t know what to wear!

Of course, I’ll probably be watching the first real action of the 2012 NASCAR season from my home, alone, but wardrobe is important for the breaking of the ice, so to speak. Mostly I’m not worried about my clothes, I’m wondering which hat to wear.

I’m jazzed this year. There are a lot of changes in the works. Mark Martin is no longer at Hendrick, but will be sharing a ride with Michael Waltrip in the 55 Toyota. Kasey Kahne will be filling Mark’s old spot in the 5 car, even though he’s still recovering from knee surgery.

Kasey Kahne, I hope, is in for the ride of his life. He’s got the best stuff he’ll probably ever have, and I think the man has the talent to make it work. I’m hoping some young blood at RHR will revitalize the other 3 drivers as well. (Those of you who know me know who I’m really talking about.)

It’s a brand new season. We’re wiping the slate clean. All of our favorite drivers are tied in points right now, and will be until the end of the Daytona 500. This is the best time of the year, anticipating what’s going to happen, talking smack with other racing fans, just getting in the groove for the long haul that will find a champion in November, which is thankfully so many, many months away. NASCAR still has the longest season in sports, and I’m thankful for that. I can only take so much dormancy.

Best of luck to all the drivers, teams, fans, and officials. I hope we don’t have any tragedies this year in the stock car racing world. If you’re going to the races, be careful out there. The fan that get’s run over might be you!

Racing is fun. It’s supposed to be fun. Have a beer or two, but please don’t drive when you’ve had one too many. Let’s keep racing fun, and not add to the morbid side of the sport by being a statistic.

Let’s get ready, ready, ready, Green, green, green, go, go, go!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

About the art work above

It's awesome.  I love it.  I will give the creator credit if I can find it.  I hate posting pics without giving the photog or creator credit.  If you created this pic, please let me know with details, and I will either give you full credit or remove it, at your request.

I'm not trying to rip anyone off here, so I'll use it until I hear otherwise.


Jimmy C